Out of memory at line 1 windows 10
Out of memory at line 1 windows 10

out of memory at line 1 windows 10

  • This method also can be used for Windows 8 and Windows 10.
  • This method with some modification also can be used for Windows Xp.
  • If Java cannot find enough memory it dispatches an "exception" message to the Windows as, "Exception in thread "main" : Java heap space.".
  • The value you select depends on how much memory sticks you have in computer and how consuming is the application you like to run.
  • It is only a guarantee for Java Virtual Machine. It does not "steal" or permanently deduct from the memory of computer.
  • This is a temporary memory which is available for Java applications when you are running them.
  • No restart of the computer is necessary after modifying the Java memory.
  • You should click on "Apply" to finalise the new Java memory.

    out of memory at line 1 windows 10

    "Apply" button in the "Java Control Panel" has been enabled now. Click on "OK" button on the "Java Runtime Environment Settings" to close it.

  • Also note, there is no blank space between characters.
  • Please note, it begins with a minus sign and ends to an m.
  • type -Xmx3072m that assigns 3GB memory for the Java, and so on.
  • I'd advise profiling memory usage in your Node.js process when it starts running or updating to Node.js > 10.
  • type -Xmx2048m that assigns 2GB memory for the Java. Usually just increasing the memory allocated to Node.js will allow your program to run but may not actually solve the real problem and the memory used by the node process could still exceed the new memory you allocate.
  • out of memory at line 1 windows 10

  • type -Xmx1024m that assigns 1GB memory for the Java.
  • type -Xmx512m that assigns 512MB memory for the Java.

  • Out of memory at line 1 windows 10